Storage queries
For query
we have mainly two different situations. There're two kinds of storage entries: entries with and without keys.
Entries without keys
For example, System.Number
query (it returns the block number) has no keys to index it with. Therefore, under typedApi.System.Number
we have the following structure:
type CallOptions = Partial<{
at: string
signal: AbortSignal
type StorageEntryWithoutKeys<Payload> = {
isCompatible: IsCompatible
getCompatibilityLevel: GetCompatibilityLevel
getValue: (options?: CallOptions) => Promise<Payload>
watchValue: (bestOrFinalized?: "best" | "finalized") => Observable<Payload>
As you might expect, getValue
returns you the Payload
for that particular query, allowing you to choose which block to query (at
can be a blockHash, "finalized"
(the default), or "best"
On the other hand, watchValue
function returns an Observable allows you to check the changes of a particular storage entry in "best"
or "finalized"
(the default) block.
Entries with keys
Similarly, we'll use the example of System.Account
query (it returns the information of a particular Account
). In this case, this storage query has a key to index it with, and therefore we find the following structure:
type StorageEntryWithKeys<Args, Payload, ArgsOut> = {
isCompatible: IsCompatible
getCompatibilityLevel: GetCompatibilityLevel
getValue: (...args: [...Args, options?: CallOptions]) => Promise<Payload>
watchValue: (
...args: [...Args, bestOrFinalized?: "best" | "finalized"]
) => Observable<Payload>
getValues: (
keys: Array<[...Args]>,
options?: CallOptions,
) => Promise<Array<Payload>>
getEntries: (
...args: [PossibleParents<Args>, options?: CallOptions]
) => Promise<
keyArgs: ArgsOut
value: NonNullable<Payload>
watchEntries: (
...args: [PossibleParents<Args>, options?: { at: "best" }]
) => Observable<{
block: BlockInfo
deltas: null | {
deleted: Array<{ args: ArgsOut; value: NonNullable<Payload> }>
upserted: Array<{ args: ArgsOut; value: NonNullable<Payload> }>
entries: Array<{ args: ArgsOut; value: NonNullable<Payload> }>
Both getValue
and watchValue
have the same behaviour as in the previous case, but they require you to pass all keys required for that storage query (in our example, an address). The same function arguments that are found in the no-keys situation can be passed at the end of the call to modify which block to query, etc. For example, a query with 3 args:
typedApi.query.Pallet.Query.getValue(arg1, arg2, arg3, { at: "best" })
, instead, allows you to pass several keys (addresses in this case) to get a bunch of entries at the same time.
allows you to get all entries without passing the keys. It has also the option to pass a subset of them. For example, imagine a query with 3 keys. You would have three options to call it:
typedApi.query.Pallet.Query.getEntries({ at: "best" }) // no keys
typedApi.query.Pallet.Query.getEntries(arg1, { at: "finalized" }) // 1/3 keys
typedApi.query.Pallet.Query.getEntries(arg1, arg2, { at: "0x12345678" }) // 2/3 keys
allows you to watch changes to all entries of a storage map. As in getEntries
, you can optionally provide a subset of the keys and/or {at: "best"}
to watch changes to the best block, instead of the default "finalized"
block. Events will be emitted disregarding if there were (or not) changes to the entries. There is no guarantee that an event will be emitted for every block. The events will contain:
: Block hash, block number, and parent block hash; to identify how updated the information is.deltas
: In case there were any changes since previous event,upserted
(meaning added or changed) anddeleted
entries. Ifdeltas
were to benull
, then no changes happened since the last emission.entries
: Immutable data-structure with the whole bunch of entries, updated to that block.