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Referenda SDK

The Referenda SDK provides the following features:

  • Abstraction over Preimages
    • When creating a referendum, it only generates a preimage if required by the length, significantly reducing deposit costs.
    • When reading a referendum, it resolves the calldata regardless of whether it's a preimage or not.
  • Automatic Track Selection for Spender Referenda
    • Automatically selects the appropriate spender track for a referendum with a given value.
  • Approval/Support Curves for Tracks
    • Provides approval/support curves as regular JavaScript functions, useful for creating charts.
    • Calculates the confirmation start and end blocks based on the current referendum results.

Getting Started

Install the Governance SDK using your package manager:

npm i @polkadot-api/sdk-governance

Then, initialize it by passing in the typedApi for your chain:

import { createReferendaSdk } from "@polkadot-api/sdk-governance"
import { dot } from "@polkadot-api/descriptors"
import { getSmProvider } from "polkadot-api/sm-provider"
import { chainSpec } from "polkadot-api/chains/polkadot"
import { start } from "polkadot-api/smoldot"
import { createClient } from "polkadot-api"
const smoldot = start()
const chain = await smoldot.addChain({ chainSpec })
const client = createClient(getSmProvider(chain))
const typedApi = client.getTypedApi(dot)
const referendaSdk = createReferendaSdk(typedApi)

Different chains have their own spender track configurations, which unfortunately are hard-coded and not available on-chain. By default, the Referenda SDK uses Polkadot's configuration. For Kusama, you can import the Kusama configuration and pass it into the options parameter:

import {
} from "@polkadot-api/sdk-governance"
const referendaSdk = createReferendaSdk(typedApi, {
  spenderOrigin: kusamaSpenderOrigin,

Creating a Referendum

There are multiple origins to choose from when creating a referendum, each with specific purposes.

For creating a referendum that requires a treasury spend, the SDK automatically selects the appropriate origin:

const beneficiaryAddress = "………"
const amount = 10_000_0000_000n
const spendCall = typedApi.tx.Treasury.spend({
  beneficiary: MultiAddress.Id(beneficiaryAddress),
const callData = await spendCall.getEncodedData()
const tx = referendaSdk.createSpenderReferenda(callData, amount)
// Submitting the transaction will create the referendum on-chain
const result = await tx.signAndSubmit(signer)
const referendumInfo = referendaSdk.getSubmittedReferendum(result)
if (referendumInfo) {
  console.log("Referendum ID:", referendumInfo.index)
  console.log("Referendum Track:", referendumInfo.track)

For non-spender referenda, you need to provide the origin:

const remarkCall = typedApi.tx.System.remark({
  remark: Binary.fromText("Make Polkadot even better"),
const callData = await remarkCall.getEncodedData()
const tx = referendaSdk.createReferenda(
const result = await tx.signAndSubmit(signer)
const referendumInfo = referendaSdk.getSubmittedReferendum(result)
if (referendumInfo) {
  console.log("Referendum ID:", referendumInfo.index)
  console.log("Referendum Track:", referendumInfo.track)

When creating a referendum, if the call is short it can be inlined directly in the referendum submit call. Otherwise, it must be registered as a preimage. The SDK automatically handles this, inlining the call if possible or creating a batch transaction to register the preimage and submit the referendum with just one transaction.

Fetching Referenda

Referenda can be in one of multiple states (Ongoing, Approved, Rejected, etc.). The SDK abstracts this into a union type, which has two main variations: OngoingReferendum and ClosedReferendum.

When a referendum becomes closed (Approved, Rejected, Cancelled, etc.), most of the information is removed from the chain, it only keeps the block at which it was closed, and the submission / decision deposits if they haven't been claimed yet. This SDK focuses mainly on Ongoing referenda, which has more parameters.

const referenda: Array<Referendum> = await referendaSdk.getReferenda()
const referendum: Referendum | null = await referendaSdk.getReferendum(15)
const ongoingReferenda: Array<OngoingReferendum> = referenda.filter(
  (r) => r.type === "Ongoing",

You can also subscribe to changes using the watch API. This provides two ways of working with it: referenda$ returns a Map<number, Referendum> with all referenda, and there are also referendaIds$ and getReferendumById$(id: number) for cases where you want to show the list and detail separately.

// Map<number, Referendum>$.subscribe(console.log)
// number[]$.subscribe(console.log)
// Referendum$(5).subscribe(console.log)

OngoingReferendum provides helpful methods to interact with proposals.

First of all, the proposal on a referendum can be inlined or through a preimage. OngoingReferendum unwraps this to get the raw call data or even the decoded call data:

console.log(referenda[0].proposal.rawValue) // PreimagesBounded
console.log(await referenda[0].proposal.resolve()) // Binary with the call data
console.log(await referenda[0].proposal.decodedCall()) // Decoded call data

You can also check when the referendum enters or finishes the confirmation phase:

console.log(await referenda[0].getConfirmationStart()) // number | null
console.log(await referenda[0].getConfirmationEnd()) // number | null

Lastly, there is some useful information that's not available on-chain, but through the public forums (e.g. OpenGov or subsquare). To fetch this information, like the referendum title, you can use a Subscan API Key:

const apiKey = "………"
console.log(await referenda[0].getDetails(apiKey)) // { title: string }

Accessing Track Details

Referendum tracks are runtime constants with specific properties for periods, approval, and support curves.

This SDK enhances the track by adding some helper functions to easily work with the curves.

You can get the track from an OngoingReferendum through the method referendum.getTrack(), or you can get one by id:

const referendumTrack = await referendum.getTrack()
const track = await referendaSdk.getTrack(5)

Then for both minApproval and minSupport curves, it adds functions to get the values at specific points of the curve:

// Raw curve data (LinearDescending, SteppedDecreasing or Reciprocal with parameters)
// Get the threshold value (in perbillion, [0n - 1_000_000_000n]) when time is at 10th block.
// Get the first block at which the threshold 50% happens
// Returns +Infinity if the curve ends at a higher threshold (meaning it will never reach the threshold)
// Get Array<{ block:number, threshold: number }> needed to draw a chart.
// The threshold is in the range from 0 to 1 (0% and 100% respectively).
// It will have the minimum amount of datapoints needed to draw a line chart.