Bounties SDK
The Bounties SDK provides the following features:
- Loads descriptions of each bounty.
- Matches referenda related to the bounty.
- Looks for scheduled changes in the bounty status.
- Abstracts different states into a TypeScript-friendly interface.
Getting Started
Install the Governance SDK using your package manager:
npm i @polkadot-api/sdk-governance
Then, initialize it by passing in the typedApi
for your chain:
import { createBountiesSdk } from "@polkadot-api/sdk-governance"
import { dot } from "@polkadot-api/descriptors"
import { getSmProvider } from "polkadot-api/sm-provider"
import { chainSpec } from "polkadot-api/chains/polkadot"
import { start } from "polkadot-api/smoldot"
import { createClient } from "polkadot-api"
const smoldot = start()
const chain = await smoldot.addChain({ chainSpec })
const client = createClient(getSmProvider(chain))
const typedApi = client.getTypedApi(dot)
const bountiesSdk = createBountiesSdk(typedApi)
Get the current list of Bounties
The Bounties pallet stores bounty descriptions on-chain as a separate storage query. The Bounties SDK automatically loads these descriptions when retrieving any bounty.
To get the list of bounties at a given time use getBounties
, or use getBounty(id)
to retrieve a specific bounty by ID:
const bounties = await bountiesSdk.getBounties()
const bounty = await bountiesSdk.getBounty(10)
To retrieve a bounty created from a propose_bounty
call, use getProposedBounty
with the result from submit
const tx = typedApi.tx.Bounties.propose_bounty({
description: Binary.fromText("Very special bounty"),
value: 100_000_000_000n,
const result = await tx.signAndSubmit(signer)
const bounty = await bountiesSdk.getProposedBounty(result)
Each bounty returned by the SDK has the information available on-chain of the bounty, enhanced based on their State, but also adds the account of the bounty, as a SS58Address. This can be used to query the current bounty balance:
const bountyAccount = await typedApi.query.System.Account.getValue(
console.log("Bounty balance:",
You can also subscribe to changes using the watch API. This provides two ways of working with it: bounties$
returns a Map<number, Bounty>
with all bounties, and there are also bountyIds$
and getBountyById$(id: number)
for cases where you want to show the list and detail separately.
// Map<number, Bounty>$.subscribe(console.log)
// number[]$.subscribe(console.log)
// Bounty$(5).subscribe(console.log)
The underlying subscription to bounties and descriptions is shared among all subscribers and is automatically cleaned up when all subscribers unsubscribe.
Bounty States
Bounties have many states they can be in, each with its own available operations, and some have some extra parameters.
The SDK exposes these states through a union of Bounty types, discriminated by type
. Each type includes only the methods and parameters relevant to its status.
After a bounty is proposed, it must be approved via a referendum. Use approveBounty()
to create the approval transaction. Submit it as part of a referendum using the Referenda SDK:
const approveCall = proposedBounty.approveBounty()
const callData = await approveCall.getEncodedData()
const tx = referendaSdk.createSpenderReferenda(callData, proposedBounty.value)
await tx.signAndSubmit(signer)
You can also filter existing referenda that are already approving the bounty:
const referenda = await referendaSdk.getOngoingReferenda()
const approvingReferenda =
await proposedBounty.findApprovingReferenda(referenda)
Once the referendum passes, its content is removed from the chain and scheduled for enactment. The SDK can check the scheduler for these cases:
const scheduledApprovals = await proposedBounty.getScheduledApprovals()
// number[] which are the block number in which a change is scheduled.
No methods are available in the Approved state. The bounty is pending the next treasury spend period to become Funded.
After funding, a new referendum must propose a curator. This state shares methods with Proposed for filtering referenda and checking the scheduler.
const curator = "…SS58 address…"
const fee = 1_000_000
const proposeCuratorCall = fundedReferendum.proposeCurator(curator, fee)
const callData = await proposeCuratorCall.getEncodedData()
const tx = referendaSdk.createSpenderReferenda(callData, fundedReferendum.value)
await tx.signAndSubmit(signer)
Has methods for acceptCuratorRole()
and unassignCurator()
Has methods for extendExpiry(remark: string)
and unassignCurator()
Pending Payout
Has methods for claim()
and unassignCurator()
. In this case, unassign curator must also happen in a referendum.
Child Bounties
Some chains support child bounties, allowing a curator to split a bounty into smaller tasks. This feature is available through a separate SDK, which requires the chain to have ChildBounties
import { createChildBountiesSdk } from "@polkadot-api/sdk-governance"
const childBountiesSdk = createChildBountiesSdk(typedApi)
It's very similar to the bounties SDK, except that it needs a parentId
of the parent bounty.
const parentId = 10
// Fetch one child bounty
const childBounty = await childBountiesSdk.getChildBounty(parentId, 5)
// Watch the list of child bounties$.subscribe(console.log)
// Watch the list of child bounty IDs$.subscribe(console.log)
// Get a specific watched child bounty$(5).subscribe(console.log)
Subscriptions to child bounties and descriptions are shared among subscribers for each parentId
and are cleaned up when all subscribers unsubscribe.
Child bounty states are simplified, and eliminates the need for referenda. The curator directly manages these bounties.
The SDK exposes these states through a union of ChildBounty types, discriminated by type
. Each type includes only the methods relevant to its status.